Aim of The Institution

The aim of the Institution is to impart sound value based education by forming in the students habits of Piety, Virtue, Discipline and Self-reliance during the years of their studies, thus enabling them to be dutiful members of the Catholic Church and useful citizens of our motherland –India.

Vision & Mission

Don Bosco School, Palsandamore offers the students not only professional qualification but also a holistic human education, the possibility of building up their life based on Christian principles of justice and charity. It aims at the integral and social growth of the students, by bringing them to an encounter with their cultural, humanistic and technical heritage. It functions in the light of the Christian concept of life centred on the teaching of Jesus Christ.
The method of education followed in the school is the Preventive System taught and practiced by St. John Bosco- the Father and Teacher of Youth. It is based on Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness. We seek to form the youth, through education, into persons of character, competence, conscience, compassion and commitment who will foster uprightness in public life.Religious Instruction: Being a Christian institution the classes of Christian Doctrine (Catechism) are compulsory for Christian students. All other students must attend classes of Moral Science/ Values and rules of conduct and daily living. A student must strive to attain qualities of mind and heart and integrate into one’s life virtues such as honesty, sincerity, piety, compassion, generosity, love for nature and self-reliance.
Discipline: Special attention is given to ensure a high standard of morality and discipline in the school. Guardians are requested to collaborate in this with the School Authorities by insisting on regular attendance and punctuality of wards.